Dedicated to Children's Health and Preventing Childhood Obesity
Newsletter (mms)
Our newsletter contains articles written by health professionals, nutritionists, experts in the field of juvenile exercise, and dietitians. The newsletter contains articles for parents and children alike.
For parents there will be topics such as juvenile exercise, how to motivate children to want to eat healthy, tasty nutritional recipes, using a BMI index, health problems caused by being overweight, and many other valuable and informative articles.
For the kids there will be video games, such as arcade games where shooting down junk food gives the most points, race-cars that are fueled by vegetables, and our most innovative approach where you can create and feed your own avatar to see how different diets affect the avatar’s health. There will be videos intended to inspire children to exercise and eat in a way that improves their health. There will also be articles written by teenagers discussing their experiences with eating and exercise.
If you would like to subscribe to our Obesity Prevention Foundation of America newsletter, please complete the form above, and you will added to our list of subscribers.